
Day 85 - "She is not sick. She is a dancer"


I ... cried when I hear it.

Sir. Robinson talked about something we already thought, but could not express
because of, I felt, being afraid of this;
"It can be useless thought"

When I was in middle school, teachers taught us
"Art is useless"
And they continued, "Only looser will go to art school"

I heard it from many people;
"Only wealthy people can study playing instrument"
"Dancers, Theater people, and animation artists are starving."
So, would you want to be that hungry people with craziness?

Yes, there are.
Math, English, Science ....
and down there, Physical Edu., Art, Music, Drama, and dance.

Of course, Art has hierarchy, too.
Music (think about Julliard),
Fine Art
Film (these days, it is popular)
... and Could somebody include "Avant-Garde art", please?

I hope to have those kind of doctor in our schools.
I wish to be like that doctor.
But if I say same comments to her parents as a drama teacher,
would they listen to me?

I've met so many creative children in America.
But they(and their parents) don't know how much they are talented.
And I cannot guarantee million dollars for them although they are gifted in the art.

They are so many starving genius artists in our world.
And we don't know how to support them.
Weren't there so many starving genius in history?

Do we have answer to nurture another Shakespeare, Mozart, and Martha Graham?

I will try.


Day 78 - Learning from Miles davis "Kind of blue"

Three things (note)

1.     Detach comfortable or safe career to Craft more interesting future
2.     Simplicity – gives freedom and improvisation
3.     Provoking manager

“Jumping to next S-curve”
flat bottom – steep middle- flat top
another s-curve

abandon past success – in the pursuit of something new – Picasso

“willing to disappoint their trust on old fans”

push musicians “to the edge” effectively manage the risks

turn 180 degree to simplicity

What I could make based on what we learned today?

My comfort zone
- acting, Korean, family, school, surviving in class, America, Korea, Christian

My goal
- English, Teaching, field theatre (not school), field acting (movie), Different race and culture

Complicated things in my life
-Home works everyday (class), farther-husband, student

What can be simple?
What I practice… Song, Language, body …
Choose one? Body maybe?


What do I need to provoke? Self? How? Body…. Muscle and health … food
By whom, I am provoked? Wife?
What does she say? Find a job in teaching in the US.

"I am good at Acting. I am talented at performing. They are my comfort zone.
Korean is my language and country,and I lived on the land of the USA for almost 7 years, so this land is now my comfort zone. Is it time to leave to another country?


How about career? Actor  to teacher ? Director or writer? Or publisher?
Who do I work with? Some famous artists? Anthony Hopkins, Bill Murray

What do I want? Acting, teaching? Directing? .... Teaching again?"

Out of blue.. 
Where I think? /Europe - England
What do I think? Teaching in elementary school
Theatre? yes
Can I go alone? yes without family. 
Who do I want to meet? Peter O'Toole, Anthony Hopkins, 
the British actor who played Alfee ... 


Day 72 - Stage Director job

I worked as a Stage Director today.
It was ... somehow like a director, too. And I enjoyed that.

A show by international students and American students with international subjects.


I saw another possibilities in me.


Day 71 - Strengthen Muscles near spine

Strength comes from well-situated spine.
It is a main stream of Energy.
So, what did I say for good performers?

feet, neck, abdominal muscle, and back muscles.
Isn't it everything?

Journal Prompt #5 - Design Thinking

"How people would want use what he made"

What can be the goal form me in this class - Creative Thinking?

As a student who learn so many things about Theatre
I didn't have a chance to speculate how to sell it.

But I found "An actor should be in audition" or maybe "An actor needs agent"
The education that I've been through only focused on "what to sell" and "how to build it"

Now, as Edison did, I need to think "How people would want to use what I made"

1. Inspiration
Expect Success ... 

All right, I will be a major film actor. Who can inspires me?
John Cho...?

John Cho inspires me. He is a Korean,
and becomes a main actor in an ABC TV show.

"What's my problem compared to John Cho?
"Where's opportunity?
"What has changed?

- My problem is staying at home and
just dreaming "somebody would find me and
hire me in any film or theatre production"
I need to go out and meet people in the business.
- My other problem is looking at me as an ASIAN.
Yes, I have accent and Asian blood, but it can be rather my strength,
but I diminish my possibility.

- Where's opportutnity?
Agent? Maybe? Or working many student production?
Going out and run more and more?

- What has changed?
I am able to look at people's eyes.
I can convey my ideas in English. Now, my Acting is better than before.

2. Ideation

"Make Prototypes - many sketches, more stories, more audition materials...."
Who can be my role model? Or Who can I be like?

Daniel Dae Kim ...?

Daniel Dae Kim doesn't speak English at all in LOST.
So... don't worry ... I just need to improve how to communicate better. It is more communication skill not English grammar.

He graduated from NYU Tisch MFA Acting.
I graduated from NYU Tisch, too. (but not acting but Performance Studies MA)

He has small eyes as I have.
Uhm... but he has bigger muscles.
OK! I will have them!
What else I need?

3. Implementation

Execute the Vision
"Help marketing.
Design a communication strategy."

How can I make people need me?
Do I need to be different? I am already different.

"Make the case to the business - spread the word"

I need to spread the word - meet many people ....
or meet influential people ...

Will it work? Expect Success again.

Day 71 - Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex makes me "UP".

Without it, I was blue ....
Now, I am more ...

But it sounds somehow dangerous.
I am depending on pills?

But good food and eating well are very important for actors.


Day 64 - Comments on Live first...

I didn't say anything in last class about the book.
I wished to say these;

"As an international student, I saw so many immigrants in this country, and they survive. To artists, it cannot be easy to live first. We need to be where artists are needed - big cities. So, to talk about choosing where to live, I doubt I could be free the location.

And because of Asian culture? maybe? I feel I am behind the younger generation in American, especially White culture. Am I too old fasioned? and racist?

But all the facts in the book challenge me. It seems not easy, but worthy to invest to do. About the role of new leader, job, place to live ...., life is open to possibilities. Yes, I don't have to look at the life only by artist's or immigratnt's viewpoints."

... oh, I feel gulity ...


Day 60 - Trained what?

For stage performers,
I highly recommend to strengthen these parts of body.

1. Feet; helps to stand firm on the stage

2. Neck; helps to open your spinal cords and makes you look standing straight

3. Abdominal muscle; helps your diaphragm work stronger and sustains your body core