
Day 15 - Avatar; Creativity? Technology? or Just mixed one?

1. Awesome by technology

I haven't watched that kind of 3D IMAX movie before.
James Cameron is a good storyteller, too.
I didn't feel it was boring for 2 hours 40 minutes.
Every shot was vivid in front of my eyes.

Also, the scale was big enough. The director, Cameron did amazing job as he did in Tatanic.

2. But, tired by Japanese animations' theme - especially Miyazaki Hayao's

Avatar was like mixed version of "Mononoke Hime", "Laputa", "Naushika"
I saw so many same scenes from Hayao's movies.
there was a scene just like a great anthropologic movie, Baraka.

So, I would say the movie Avatar is mixed with 3 things -
1) Technology with great scale
2) Japanese animations
3) Anthropologic view in Hollywood

3. What is CREATivity?

This movie tells me about what CREATivity means in 21st century.
It doesn't have to be something new. It can be a mixed outcome.
And people accept it more easily.

Thought can start on something already done.
(but I don't want to copy it)

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